During the pandemic we were unable to hold the Arts in Education workshops for primary schools in the church. However, interactive online versions of “Ultima Britannia” and “Lundenwic” have been created. Booked groups will be able to follow the story, take part in a series of classroom based activities, join an interactive discussion and correspond with characters after the day. Follow up visits to the church can also now be arranged at certain times of year. Generous grants from the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage, the Worshipful Company of World Traders and the Derek Shuttleworth Educational Trust mean that, for a limited time, schools can take part in this project free of charge. For booking enquiries and more information please email Clio's Company ( with details of your group.
Lundenwic is set at the time when there were two Londons three miles apart – the battered but still-inhabited Roman Londinium, and, around the present day Trafalgar Square, the new Saxon town whose inhabitants choose to live very differently. And at the old house which will one day become All Hallows by the Tower, change is in the air as the two cultures vie to bring about a different version of the future. A young nun schemes to transform the old house into a new church, a newly returned descendant of a Roman family fights to rescue his best friend from being sold as a slave, a Saxon woman seeks to escape her loving but oppressive family to seize her last chance to go on the road as a musician and poet, while another Saxon is determined to mend his own family, no matter who has to pay the price. Participants become Wanderers who go from place to place or Saxons from the new town, and become involved in the story, helping to perform some of the story of Beowulf, learning the Runic alphabet and leaving messages for those who may follow them.
Click on the image of Sister Edith of Barking Abbey to hear her share her reasons for her passionate beliefs about what should come next and in her part in it.
The story is set in 82AD when Londinium, newly rebuilt after its destruction by Boudicca, is a raw and dangerous place where fortunes can be made and lost. On the spot where the church will one day stand is the half-constructed house of a senior official in the Procurator’s office. His wife, Lady Lucilla, is an Iceni by birth but has been a Roman Citizen for nearly ten years and is used to being mistress of a large household.
The site foreman in charge of making sure the house gets built on time is more concerned with making a profit for himself. A young army officer on secondment to the Roman Governor’s staff has been posted here only recently, and is disgruntled to find himself in this outpost. A woman from the barbarian lands claims to earn her living by telling fortunes, but is well informed about local current events for someone who does not speak the language. Participants become Londoners of the time, becoming caught up in questions of the day - from how to design the very best décor for a new Roman house to when it might be right to rebel against those in power.
Click on the photos of Ursus and Lady Lucilla to hear their thoughts on life in Roman London.
To see pictures of previous programmes go to the Education Project - Romans photo gallery or the Education Project - Saxons photo gallery.
Teachers’ comments:
"Really enjoyable and informative. The children were filled with enthusiasm, wonder and enjoyment.”
“Brilliant! The realism and enthusiasm engaged the children and encouraged thinking skills. They had a fantastic day.”
"Excellent drama and performances that fully engaged the children.”
“Thank you for providing such a living addition to the children’s learning. They became completely entranced by the reality of the drama.”