We hold a meditative Taizé service in church on Wednesday evenings at 6pm to encourage people to encounter God in a new way. The informal candlelit service is quiet and reflective, and includes Bible readings, prayers, reflections and times of silence as well as music. The service lasts about 35 minutes and the chants are simple, easy to learn and very beautiful.
Come to All Hallows in the middle of the busy week to unscramble yourself, and find the time to relax, reflect and rest in God. Once a month the service will be followed by refreshments and time for a chat. The order of service is available here. The livestream is available here.
About Taizé
Taizé is the home of an international ecumenical Christian community in southern Burgundy, France, made up of over a hundred brothers. It was founded by Brother Roger during World War II to work for reconciliation among Christians and through this for the reconciliation and peace of the world.
Regular times of prayer, chants and silence are at the heart of the community’s daily life and thousands of young people travel there every year to take part in this form of prayer and reflection. The profound simplicity and beauty of the worship is now also used in services around the world, inspired by the ideals of justice and reconciliation which it embodies.
For more information about Taizé, visit the Taizé website at http://www.taize.fr or go to the Taizé in London page on Facebook.